Recording and Listening Blog

January 1, 2015

My R/L practice has had its ups and downs. I am amazed that when I commit to doing it, and follow through, how the Universe supports my efforts.

The most recent place this happened was when I had minor surgery. I took my recorder with me. I had the intention to ask if I could listen to it during surgery as I'd heard from other sources that often patients request certain music to be played during their surgery. During the pre-op prep, I had the recorder on my gurney with me. Even before I made my request, the operating room nurse noticed it and asked me if I wanted to listen to it during my surgery. I smiled and said, "yes!" She suggested that I ask my surgeon and anesthesiologist if they were okay with it. I did. Both of them were more than happy for me to listen to the recorder. No one asked what was on it and so no explanations were needed that might have elicited any conditioned responses!

It was wonderful going into surgery (as minor as it was there is still the recognition that I may not wake up from it) with the knowledge that "I" would be absorbing my recordings. It was also wonderful knowing that I would be coming back to consciousness hearing the Mentor talking to me, feeling the kindness of my own voice, and appreciating that during the entire procedure I would not have been alone.

Other places I have listened to my recorder are during a massage, a chiropractic appointment, and a pedicure. I have found that once I ask, most service people are more than willing to support my listening, and without extraneous comments. It is a great practice to up my commitment to listening, and really getting it that the Universe supports me in this!


  • Bring your recorder to your next medical/self-care appointment and try listening throughout the procedure. Make a new recording afterward about what you experienced.


Do you have a favorite R/L insight, idea, or practice tool? We’d love to hear it! Send us your favorite quick tip (75 words or less) or submit your idea for a blog post.