R/L Basics
Recording and Listening practice is explained here.
Get a Trainer
For an introduction to and training in the basics of Recording and Listening practice, either in a one-on-one or group setting, please email rltrainer@livingcompassion.org.
Get a Coach
For assistance in incorporating R/L more deeply into your Awareness Practice, email zenawarenesscoach@livingcompassion.org.
Talk to Cheri
If you have specific questions about Recording and Listening practice, please call in to the Open Air Radio Show, which is live on Tuesdays at 4:50 pm PT.
Have a Question?
If you have general questions about the resources on this website, please contact recordingandlistening@livingcompassion.org.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with this website, please email our webmaster, support@livingcompassion.org.