Recording and Listening Blog

February 1, 2016

"You don't have to want to."

But I do it anyway.

Showing up repeatedly to Life's invitations has led to great freedom, opening, and success because each time there is a yes to Life, there is a no to conditioning. 

The primary support for my ongoing awakening around this process of responding to Life's invitations is Recording and Listening. The recordings come from every source: my own recordings, archives of Open Air, guided imageries from old email classes, guidance appointments, etc.

Whenever possible I am ALWAYS LISTENING to a practice recording. I often feel that I am in a cocoon of practice — nothing can get to me, nothing can hurt me, when I'm present and with myself.

Some other practices that are helpful to me:

  • I've set up a reminder on my smartphone that reminds me to record every time I arrive at home.
  • I often record before a work meeting (usually a sales meeting) to remind myself of what's important and what my intentions are: that I'm here to connect with people, to love everyone unconditionally, to be joyful and have fun, to give lots of attention to the "others," to be a great listener, to relax, and not to use pressure or fear to coerce someone into a sale.
  • I often record after a work meeting as well. It allows me to process whatever happened, and to come back to the present moment, ready for what's happening next (now). 
  • A very helpful habit/response has developed over my years of experience with Recording and Listening. Whenever something "big" happens (especially "negative," difficult, or challenging), I go straight to the recorder, turn it on, and begin talking. It is SO HELPFUL to be able to speak without interruption, and to get the immediate wisdom of the mentor. This practice truly saved my life when I accidentally knocked someone over, and they ended up in the hospital with a broken bone. Self-hate was ready to eat me alive, but practice was strong enough that I didn't let the voices in to crucify me. Of course, I was not happy with the situation, but I was not suffering. 

I am deeply grateful for Practice, and especially for the gift of Recording and Listening. It has accelerated my "progress" many times over.



  • The next time you hear the voices in your head complaining, “I don’t want to,” grab the recorder, turn it on, and R/L about accepting Life’s invitations whole-heartedly.




Do you have a favorite R/L insight, idea, or practice tool? We’d love to hear it! Send us your favorite quick tip (75 words or less) or submit your idea for a blog post.